by Rick Daynes | Oct 29, 2018 | Parenting, Uncategorized |
Surround yourself with wonderful people Please follow and like...
by Rick Daynes | Oct 22, 2018 | Parenting, Uncategorized |
Taking care of #1 ain’t easy. But if you want you want everyone under your roof to be happy and successful, make yourself a priority. Please follow and like...
by Rick Daynes | Oct 11, 2018 | Educators, Parenting, Uncategorized |
This has been a great year for our family. For me personally, I have been able to do several keynote addresses, which I love! It allows me to connect with parents and educators on subjects that are so crucial. Earlier this year I was blessed to deliver the keynote in...
by Rick Daynes | Jul 15, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Dear Friends of the Down Syndrome Congress, Exactly five years ago my wife and I sat on the beach in San Diego cradling our new baby boy. Our beautiful son had Down Syndrome and I could not yet see how that would have a positive effect on our already busy lives. In...
by Rick Daynes | Jun 26, 2017 | Educators, Fun, Kids, Parenting, Religious Groups, Uncategorized |
A couple minutes from DSA Gala